Residents in Shanghai can view the detailed and precise weather information on Suishenban, local government information platform, in the near future as the local meteorological bureau will connect the city's weather data to Suishenban by the end of the year.
More elaborate weather forecasts and disaster weather alerts will be at your fingertips. The platform also features past weather report searches, allowing people to check past weather information on certain occasions, an official from the bureau said at Friday's meteorological forum.
People can also apply for weather certificates, such as certificate for typhoon days, online through the platform.
It will also provide a life reference index, covering fields like travel, health, meteorological science, tourism and other fields related to weather.
"The new functions can further meet local residents' needs for various real-life purposes," said Yang Jie, an official with the bureau.
The forum marked the 150-year development of the meteorological industry in Shanghai, and focused on more innovative ideas and advanced technology to improve city weather services. About 160 digital collections featuring Shanghai's meteorology history over last 150 years were also released.
Along with the weather services upgraded, the 150-year-old Xujiahui Observatory in downtown Xuhui District will embrace a new mission, as it has been approved by China Meteorological Administration to be renovated into a national observatory by the end of 2025.
"The purpose of establishing a national observatory is not only to preserve the century-old observatory, but also to provide basic scientific and technological support for disaster prevention and research in Shanghai and surrounding areas. We hope to better deal with global climate change, and promote opening-up and cooperation, and personnel training at home and abroad," said Hu Ping, deputy head of the bureau's observation and forecast department.
He said that Shanghai is located in one of the 16 key climate areas in China. It sits near Hangzhou Bay and in the Yangtze River Estuary and is also in the coastal area of the China Eastern Sea. It's a mega city with complex underlying surfaces such as high-rise buildings and river wetlands.
Shanghai will target at the core meteorological science issues of mega-cities along the estuary area, under the influence of strong human activities in the future.
At the forum, the bureau also signed a contract with the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China's flight test center and made an agreement with the local date exchange center.